Have you reached that point where you’re in need of a new C-Arm, but you’re still figuring out what to do with the old one first? There may be numerous reasons for wanting to switch up your equipment for a newer one. Maybe you’re considering updating your surgical suite and want only new equipment for the new area? Or perhaps you’re done using your current used x ray equipment, and you’re in need of more modern refurbished x ray equipment for sale? You might even just be looking to get rid of an MRI, bone densitometer, or a digital mammography system.
Well, you need not to worry about that now. There are multiple vendors that purchase used radiology and other medical imaging equipment, and fortunately for you, we do too!
In fact, we have a longstanding reputation for purchasing all equipment including:
- C-Arms.
- CT scanners.
- MRI machines.
- X-rays.
- Ultrasounds.
- Mammography systems.
..basically, we can buy it all. We have purchased our used equipment directly from multiple hospitals, surgery centers, material managers, etc.
Another fortunate event for you is that we also offer the ability to work directly with potential clients that we purchase from. This means that there would be no intermediary in the process to over-complicate things and reduce profits that are rightfully yours. However, it is entirely up to you to provide us with at least some general information on the equipment with some possible pictures of the device.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you’re interested in liquidating your assets to make larger budgets for your facility, selling your equipment is a good idea – especially with CT scanners (GE CT Scanner) and MRI machines. Also, if you sell your equipment to a reliable and well-reputed firm like us at Amber USA, you would be able to protect the environment as well since we refurbish our equipment all the way back to OEM standards if necessary.
If you’re thinking about it, our answer is, Yes, you can simply choose to sell your equipment to us when it comes down to it. Although, if you want to upgrade the current system that you’ve planned to get rid of, we also work on that standpoint. Our team can conduct transactions to ensure that your equipment would be entirely and fully functional to the original equipment manufacturer’s standards and specifications. With that being done, you would be able to provide some other facility the benefit of then putting it to good use.
If you’re starting to worry about the fact that you have no experience in this type of transaction, you can relax and count on us. As you require, we can even help escort out the old equipment and bring in the new one/s.
In addition to purchasing your equipment, if you are looking for a used and refurbished system to replace your current system with, we also provide a broad spectrum of diagnostic equipment at quality standards and affordable costs. For inquiries on a purchase, feel free to contact us at Amber USA today!