It has become tough to obtain a loan from traditional funding companies for those who have a bad credit past as well as for those who are self-employed. Hard money lenders have become the last resort for ones in dire financial needs because such private companies are acknowledged by a majority to have many negative aspects as much as the positive ones they offer.
We assure you Hard Money Loans Tampa, provided by Bridgewell Capital have no such negative points as we have implemented every possible solution to make the funding beneficial for your real estate investments. Although we highlighted damaged credit and the self-employed, we provide top quality services to commercial and individual investors alike.
Hard Money Loans Tampa is outstanding in convenience as we provide finances in the shortest time possible. Our pre-approval is completed within five minutes. That is we say yes or no to you within five minutes time from the submission of your request, although we assure you we say YES to almost every request that comes by our way. A single funding project costs only ten days, enabling you to close out the deals super fast whereas with traditional financing companies you are likely to miss out your opportunity due to the delay of funding.
Hard Money Loan Tampa are lent directly by Bridgewell Capital without the involvement of intermediaries making the process any harder for you. Our team of professionals assists you from the very first step, and our company provides exclusive investor services that include
Hard Money Loans Tampa is solely based on the value of the real estate instead of your credit worthiness. We are not prejudiced as to extend our services only to creditworthy borrowers but pose the property as collateral to repayment schemes adopted by you.
Bridgewell Capital is determined to conduct business ethically, ensuring the satisfaction of both parties by obtaining win-win results. Also, we are a trusted and reputed company registered with Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and has funded over $200 million for borrowers. We provide financing services all across the country and have made ourselves available through telephone, fax, email and the Internet.
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